Friday, February 10, 2012

It's Time to Take Over!

Dear Readers,

I made a commitment to join the annual 21-Day Corporate Fast, and Day 21 was Feb 1st.  I am so excited that I made it.

Before beginning a fast, I am always unsure about whether I will make it to the end.  There is always some doubt as to whether I will be able to follow the criteria to the “T.”  But with each passing day, God gave me a peace unlike any I’ve had in quite a long time. I had peace in my home (despite issues I am facing with my neighbor).  I also had perfect peace on my job (God removed certain gossipers from my atmosphere for two weeks straight).  To God be the glory!

As with any fast, I always have a short list of things I’d like God to do for me.  After all, fasting is putting aside something that satisfies the flesh, in order to be closer to God and/or hear Him speak to us more clearly.  This year I asked Him for the “impossible.”  I asked God to take care of a bill that I consider too large for me to get rid of.  I also asked God to remove the aloneness in my life.  Many times, I don’t get just what I want, but I always notice a change in me.  And even before the fast ended, someone noticed a change in me.  Said I was more peaceful and “nicer.”  I always thought I was nice.  But there is always someone who perceives us differently than what we think about ourselves.  Now I will be the first one to say that I am usually a bit rough around the edges when getting my point across, so it’s a wonderful thing when someone who doesn’t know God can see God in me.

Since the fast, I am more encouraged to be nicer and more pleasant to be around. I also am determined to be more friendly, for the Bible says, if you want friends, you must first show yourself friendly.  I am ready to take over, and maintain the lifestyle God intended for me when He first knew me.

Peace and many blessings throughout this New Year of the Takeover,

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Tuesday, October 26, 2010

About "Faith Reclaimed, A Single Parent's Journey Out of Darkness"

In my book, FAITH RECLAIMED, A Single Parent's Journey Out of Darkness, I honestly and openly speak of the tremendous frustration and anger that caused me to lose my faith, but I also let the reader know what I had to do and where I had to go to reclaim it.

I dedicate this book to all of you parents who have experienced extremely dark days of anger, frustration and pain. Days where you wanted to leave your kids, run away and never return. This book is for you single parents who may have lost your faith at one time or another. You felt a strong sense of abandonment, and thought no one was there to understand the pain you felt. You may have even gone into the dark area of depression. I encourage you to not give up. Don't give up on the Lord Jesus Christ because He will come through for you. He will never leave nor forsake you. He's right there with you, waiting for you to trust and believe in Him, for He has a plan for you.

As a single parent, the main thing that I have found is you cannot do it alone. Single parents (and all parents) need support. I pray that FAITH RECLAIMED encourages and guides my readers as they continue to take on one of the hardest, yet rewarding, experiences – that of being the most important person in their children’s lives.

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